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We have developed and created a platform for all Digital Marketers and Creative Writers to Write, Publish and Share Unique and Informative Posts that help all readers increase their knowledge.

We manually check the quality of all posts. If we find any post with spam content or linked to spam or unrelated website which is not good for our audience or may not entertain them in terms of learning and interest, we may delete it to maintain the quality and trust of our readers.

Blogging is a way of sharing information. For us, (With Me, 3 Other are also involved in this blog, BUT, Due to some Problems, They Can’t Share Their Name.) blogging is not a way of earning money or selling links to increase dramatic ranking on major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo, Duck Duck Go or any other popular search engines.

We do unique blogging with the main concept of sharing information and out-thought about particular topics. We may be wrong on some points, which we post here, but we want users to post comments under all posts, where they find anything negative or any information, which is not proper.

What is proper information & Manner of blogging / Posting?

As we believe for this is trust and uniqueness. Trust in every blog post line, where no one needs to ask for proof. For example. If we have written like; SEO is a short form of Search Engine Optimization, and this definition is available on Wikipedia.

Then we are right. Here no one can blame us, or no one is losing trust in us. This is the definition of trust and Manner of blogging from our end.

Why Guest Blogging? Is this link selling blog?

We are totally against spamming, link selling, and those bloggers who do like this. BUT, yes, we do guest blogging because more guest writers are our main profit.

We believe that these writers trust the blog, and they believe that we post genuine and unique information. That’s why they want to share their unique, informative, and valuable content on our domain.

So in return, we allow them to get links (it’s the way of passing credit to a particular owner) to their blog or Google Plus profile or Facebook or Twitter profile. Here, we link their home/identity / virtual presence address from our blog as their relative/neighbour or guest.


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